My Bucket List - 2k19

Most people have a bucket list, things they want to do. I too have a bucket list, which is pretty much a list of things that I would like to do this year. My bucket list is easy and simple to accomplish with less efforts. I'll present my list without beating around the bush.
     1. Gym Regularly:

           I have googled about gyming regularly and I came up with great benefits of mental well-being apart from physical well-being.
               1. Cardiovascular workout can create new brain cells and improve brain power.
               2. Regular workout can sharpen memory and ability to learn new things.
So, I put it on top of my list.
     2. Learning a new language:

          A famous quote "Learning a different language is a different vision of life", by Federico Fellini, the most influential Italian film maker inspires me to learn a new language.
              1. I would like to take up French.
              2. It's not much tough to learn French. It has a huge number of vowels and many of these are  new for us.
              3. Pronunciation is tricky yet easy to learn.
              4. I feel it is tough to write. So, I decided to concentrate more on speaking.
              5. I want to hold at least 15 minutes conversation with a native speaker.
      3. Less eat out and more home made food:

            Having homemade food is always the best part of our healthy lifestyle.
      Here are the benefits:-
              1. Saves money.
              2. Saving ourselves from food poisoning.
              3. Improves cooking skills.
              4. Encourages a balanced diet.
     4. Record more videos of songs with my voice:
             I sing songs while listening to them daily. But I seriously didn't think about recording. Now ,I want to do this.
             I know that I'm not bad at singing πŸ˜‰ so, want to record my voice just to store it.


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