College Fest - Thrilling experience

Cultural fests...Sounds exciting.. doesn't it?? These fests have carved a niche in the college life. Annual fests - ACUMEN and EUPHORIA take place in the mid March at Vasavi College of Engineering. This year, it was held on 14th-16th March. 14th March 2019: The day started with the Technical fest ACUMEN. All the students of 2nd & 3rd years prepared technical games and projects. Some of the events organised under ECE department are Paper and Poster presentation, Gyro Maze, Home Automation, etc. Inspire and Ignite is one of the successful events under ECE department. In this event, 6th - 8th standard students of the nearby Government school are invited to showcase their talents. I took part in Paper and Poster presentation and explained about IN-VIVO NETWORKING(not vivo mobile) through power point presentation. Acumen ended on a excited note by 4:00 P.M. ...